The rule to success is simple “always keep moving forward”.
If you have a goal for success you have to pick something and stick with it, day in and day out.
You don’t have to work hard,to accomplish your dream but you DO have to work for it. You have to work a long time.
If you do just a little bit each and every day, you are going to eventually get to where you want to go.
If you do absolutely nothing towards moving forward you are never going to get anywhere.
Your chances of success are directly tied to the amount of effort you put into them.
Imagine this let’s say you’re super hyped about getting buff, let’s say you buy every book and magazine you can find on the subject, let’s say you read every article you can find on the internet on the subject. Let’s say you buy the expensive protein powders, and a gym membership. You consult with dietitians and personal trainers. Let’s say you go to the gym every day,like clock work.
Yet despite all this you never see any results, not any at all.
One day you get fed up and decide to ask one of the regulars in the gym why he’s getting results and you aren’t. This guy doesn’t have any of the fancy stuff than you do his equipment is worn and rusty,and yours is shiny and new. He doesn’t look like someone who spends much anything at all to look good, yet he’s ripped and you’re not.
The conversation would go something like this.
You: Hey you’ve seen me in here right?
Guy: Ya I’ve seen you in here quite a lot.
You: I’ve got a question.
Guy: Sure.
You: You’ve been watching me for quite a while right?
Guy: Ya I’ve seen you.
You: I do everything I’m supposed to do but I’m not getting any results. I noticed that you have gotten incredible results in the time I’ve been here but I get nothing. Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong?
The guy looks at you for a moment.
Guy: Well in the entire time you’ve been here I have never once seen you just pick up a weight and lift it.
Go pick up a damn weight and put it down, pick it up again and put it down again,pick it up again and put it down again, until you get tired and sweaty. Then come back the next day and do it again. Then come back the day after and do it again. Come back the day after that and do it again. When the weights start to get lighter, pick up heavier ones and do it some more.
The moral of the story.
You can’t cheat in life,you can’t cheat your way to a better body, and you can’t cheat your way to the top in business.
It doesn’t matter what order you do the steps. What matters is that you take steps in the first place and DO something towards your goal, and that you DO it consistently day in and day out.
Do a little bit each day and keep moving forward. Keep moving forward,and sooner or later you will achieve your goal.
“Work hard and don’t stop”
That’s what both of my great grand fathers taught me.
Until next time —– Seeker.