Live every day as if it were your last.

Live every day as if it were your last. People say that as a means of encouragement,but it’s just plain depressing to me.
Hidden in this simple saying is the fear that one day your life will end,
that you should remember this fact and let that fear control how you are going to choose to live your life.


This guy hit the nail on the head. The purpose is to enjoy and celebrate life, to do your very best with the time that you have rather than worrying about worrying about what the future holds.

Live while you can, Do what you can, do a little better each and every day. The moment you stop growing is the moment you start dying. Don’t wait for tomorrow, don’t wait at all. If you can project the present into the future,then you can dictate your destiny.


Your thoughts don’t have any effect on the future, your wishes, your hopes, your dreams. None of them affect the outcome of your life. It’s simple Newtonian physics. “every ACTION, has an equal and opposite reaction”, If you have potential energy, then a small action or the combined effort of several small actions,can create a HUGE and powerful reaction.

If you don’t act,you don’t live,if you don’t live you don’t get results in life. Only your actions have a tangible effect on your future.

Insurmountable odds can only be overcome by doing. Take a step today, learn, take another step and do a little better the next day,learn, take another step and do a little better. Every day just do a little more than the day before, chose to live and do a little better than you did before.

That’s all it takes, take steps, DO ,Don’t wait, Go after what you want. Push harder when you’re afraid, and take risks that pay off. The moment is now, the place is now. This is all you have,there isn’t any more unless you create your future today, live out your future tomorrow and create an even better future for the next day.

Until next time —— Seeker.

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