People say over and over “work smarter not harder”.
Other people say “work harder,work harder,work harder”
Well I’m not one of them.
When people say “work smarter not harder” what they mean is “If you’re smart enough you won’t have to work at all.”
When people say “work work work” what they mean is “work hard and big daddy will take care of you and give you your allowance”
Well I say they’re BOTH wrong.
Both of them are focused on work, one says do more quantity, the other says do more quality.
The simple fact of the matter is that work is not equal to reward. If work was equal to reward then farm hands,factory workers,and construction workers would be millionaires.
When you work hard and smart at something that doesn’t give you much reward, you get a lot accomplished, but you don’t have much anything to show for it.
What I say is “work for the greatest benefit”. Then work harder AND smarter at something that gives you the greatest long term reward that you possibly can.
Don’t ever ask how much work it will take. Don’t ask how long it will take.
Ask yourself “is it worth it?”
Until next time —- Seeker.