Imagine that you’re driving by a field of ordinary black and white spotted cows, and then standing out in the field you spot a very unusual sight. A PURPLE COW ! It might be so unusual that you have to stop and ask the farmer about it.
When you get closer it’s obvious that the cow isn’t real, but while you’re there you see that he has a produce stand and you decide to get some fresh vegetables which he grew himself.
On your way home you notice that you had passed dozens of other produce stands,some of them are even better than the one you visited, but you decide not to stop at them because you already bought your produce from that guy.
So you contemplate why you went to this guy instead of the others. It was the purple cow, which by its very nature was so unique that you had to stop and ask about it.
This is how it works in business. Every business depends on customers for its very existence, they are its life blood. If there are no customers there is no business. When something is unique it stands out from the crowed, even if there are lots of similar even identical,or better items for sale for cheaper elsewhere.
Being unique and standing out is the best form of advertisement there is. Being unique draws in customers by virtue of your very existence. If you want to thrive in business,stand out,be unique, be the purple cow, and make sure your customers know they’re appreciated.